To Preserve Your Jack-o-lantern

There are all kinds of instructions on ways to preserve a jack-o-lantern and make it last longer. Some work, some don't, some work better than others, and some are just too much trouble. If you want the jack-o-lantern to last around 2 weeks, untreated, keep it out of direct sunlight. Bring it inside when not in use, as it should not be too hot or too cold. You can put a wet towel in it, wrap it in plastic, and store it in the fridge if you want. If it starts to dry out you can also soak it in the sink a few hours. There is a product named 'Pumpkin Fresh' that you can buy at the store that will also preserve your jack-o-lantern for about 2 weeks. Keep it out of the weather, and spray it inside and out everyday. To make it last even longer, put it in the freezer for about 2 hours after spraying. Store it in a cool, dry place. Another way is to carve your pumpkin, then let it soak for 8 hours in bleach water. Use one teaspoon of bleach for every gallon of water. Spray it with the bleach water every day. The bleach helps to prevent mold growth. It will look really good for about a week.
Another solution said to preserve a jack-o-lantern is lemon-lime water. Mix one part lemon juice with one part lime juice. Mix with cool water. Spray the pumpkin all over, inside and out everyday. Store in a cool, dry place. Some people say to spray all of the inside and cut places on the pumpkin with Listerine, Lysol, or Anti-Fungal Athlete's foot spray. They help to prevent mold. The inside and all cut areas of the pumpkin can be coated with Vaseline, WD40, vegetable oil, or lip gloss. Hairspray may be used, but only if you do not light the pumpkin. If all this seems to be too much trouble, just wait a few days before Trick-or-treat night to carve your pumpkin. Taking pictures is the best way of all to preserve your jack-o-lantern.


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