
Showing posts from 2015

Welcome to Debbie's Domain : My Favorite Time of the Year

Welcome to Debbie's Domain : My Favorite Time of the Year : I love all of the holidays, but Christmas is my favorite. It makes me sad that so many people forget that it's a celebration of the birt...

My Favorite Time of the Year

I love all of the holidays, but Christmas is my favorite. It makes me sad that so many people forget that it's a celebration of the birth of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Some will argue that it isn't even His real birthday. That's true. Nobody knows when Jesus was born. Some believe it was in the spring or summer. That could be true. Many argue that our beloved Christmas traditions are of pagan origin. That's also true. The newly converted Christians didn't want to give up their colorful and festive holiday traditions. The church was wise enough to to see the problem and offer a solution. They started a new holiday close to the old, to honor the birth of Jesus, as told in the books of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament of the Bible. They gave new meanings to old symbols and customs. They named it Christs Mass. The people embraced the new holiday and many of us celebrate it still today. Many people want to reduce it back to a pagan holiday. They have ...

Bruce Jenner

Almost everyone is talking about Bruce Jenner. He's on television, radio, newspapers, and the social media. Everyone has an opinion. As a Christian, I wanted to know what the Bible teaches us. Here's what I found: Genesis 5:2 "male and female He created them." Psalms 139:13 "For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb." God is perfect and does not make mistakes. God made Bruce Jenner into a man, so that is what he was meant to be, whether he likes it or not. Doctors can change the way he looks, but they cannot change what God made him to be. He may have breasts, but he still looks like a man, walks like a man, and sounds like a man. He may be an eunuch, but he is a man. Bruce dresses like a woman. The Bible says, Deuteronomy 22:5 "A woman must not wear men's clothing, nor a man wear women's clothing, for the Lord detests anyone who does this." 1 Corinthians 6:9 "Know ye not that the unright...

What's Wrong With the Ten Commandments?

The Ten Commandments are being removed from all government properties in the United States. I'm a Christian. I have a hard time understanding what is so wrong with using the Ten Commandments as a way of teaching good values and morality. Most children are not getting that at home anymore. 1. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. If you believe in any god, I would suppose you would be expected to be loyal. If you don't believe in God, what difference does it make to you? Its not like you are going to do anything different. 2. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. If you don't believe in God, you can worship money or anything else you want. Why does it upset you if I don't? 3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. It is considered unexceptable to use certain words, especially in public. Although sometimes frowned upon, most people substitute other words in their places. For instance, the word frick is often used to replace...

What Is Freedom?

Our great country just celebrated another birthday. Here in the United States of America, we pride ourselves on being a free country. But what is freedom? Does that mean we can do anything we want? Of course not. For every freedom someone is granted, a freedom is taken away from someone else. There are some great controversies going on right now over freedoms. One is over the Confederate flag. Many see it as a symbol of hate. Others see it as a southern symbol or as a tradition. Now it is being banned all over the country, amid protests of many. The Civil War is being fought again. Shouldn't the people have been allowed to vote on that decision, instead of allowing it to be decided by politicians looking for votes in the next election? Why? Over a piece of cloth that you can make mean anything you wish. Yes, it was used toward the end of the war. That offends many. Not everyone that fought for the Confederacy owned slaves. Not everyone believed in slavery. Not everyone who...

The Lord's Supper

Our little Baptist church on McClarity Fork, Four Mile, West Virginia, had The Lord's Supper several times a year. I can't remember how often,but I know it wasn't as often as the more modern churches do now. It was also much more formal. The men would set two pews facing each other on the left side of the church for the women, and two on the right side for the men. Everyone that had been baptized sat down on the pews facing each other. We had a washpan of water for each side and long cotton towels. One of the women would wrap the towel around her waist and kneel on the floor in front of the woman across from her with the washpan. She would remove the woman's shoes, then wash and dry her feet. The men did the same on their side of the church. After everyone's feet were done, the pews were returned to the normal places. A long table was set up in front of the church. A white table cloth was spread over it. Little plates and tiny glasses were set around. As many as...

Diy Jewelry

Hi! I'm back. Had some computer problems for awhile. I've been busy lately with new projects and new hobbies. I've been making jewelry. I get most of my ideas off Pintrest, but of course, none of them look exactly the same. My daughter works at an animal shelter. She asked me to try my hand at making some animal jewelry. I made a horse's head and behind from copper wire. Then I needed a chain to put it on.I decided to make it using recycled materials. I used a strip of cloth and some old pony beads that I had salvaged from something else. Here are the results; I also made a cat from copper wire, then added a pretty red bow. I did some more recycling for the chain. I took a strip of red cloth and wove it through some pop tabs. This is how it turned out; I'm working on a few more and will let you see how they turn out after they are completed.